Our Story
Photo by: Victoria McCoy
Our team is comprised of a group of DC area moms with children attending local middle and high schools. We became inspired to act when we learned that a local teacher was using their own money to buy food to put into one of their student's backpacks. This child did not have enough to eat after school and during the weekend when school-provided meals were unavailable.
The idea that kids in our schools did not have enough food to eat when they went home struck a nerve. So, we decided to do something about it and started an organization with the aim of improving food access for students - and DC Food Project was born! Each of us came from a diverse background with specialties we thought could contribute to this new organization.
We work with closely with school administrators, school districts, local businesses, residents, and other organizations to raise funds and provide food and toiletries to kids who need additional support. Our intention is to continue to expand DC Food Project programs throughout schools in Washington, DC. and Virginia. Our work is focused on our Pantry Program , Share Table Program and Community Bag Program targeting students, families and seniors in dire need.
Our Mission is simple: To eliminate child hunger by increasing access to nutritious food through unique partnerships with schools.
Thank you for being here, learning more about our work and supporting our journey.
The DC Food Project Team
Alysa, Lucie, Katie & Krista
If you need any additional information or would like to reach us directly please email us at dcfoodproject@gmail.com.