Share Table Program
Share Tables are a place where students can place unopened, uneaten and/or sealed food that they choose not to eat during schools breakfast and lunch program in a basket, providing other students an opportunity to take additional helpings of food that would otherwise be thrown away. While serving a greater need for nutrition within schools, these tables also help in the reduction of food waste.
Share tables also complement the educational mission of schools. Whether we acknowledge it or not, the lunch room is a classroom, and students learn lessons there, either by intention or attrition. Habituating children to share their uneaten food is also a public health “nudge” that can influence dietary choices at home and the behavior patterns they will carry into adulthood.*
Share tables also cultivate an ethic of empathy, looking out for one another, and building a strong, connected school community among the student body. And they prevent “hangry” kids from being too distracted to learn.*
The DC Food Project team has sought guidance from Food and Nutrition Services regarding student meal delivery in an effort to ensure student meals meet applicable nutrition standards.
To learn more about how you can start a Share Table at your school contact us and we can help you get started!
* Civil Eats: School Lunch Share Table Fight Food Waste and Hunger
Numbers At A Glance
What We Are Hearing From Our Schools…
“Walking out of school with our baskets yesterday, multiple staff members stopped me to praise the program and express gratitude for the difference it has made at the school. One teacher told me that she felt tremendous appreciation as she watched students who are chronically hungry turn to pieces of fruit during the day rather than looking for chips and other junk food. ”
How You Can Make An Impact
Interested in a Share Table for your school? Contact us HERE to learn more
Sponsor a Share Table, contact us HERE to learn more
Consider making a donation today, click HERE
Washington, D.C. Share Table Schools
Virginia Share Table Schools
Beyond D.C.
If you need any additional information or would like to reach us directly please email us at