DC Food Project Spring 2022 Update
Spring is such an exciting time of change and growth! We at DCFP have been busy laying the groundwork for new programming updates in the fall, finishing off our final few distributions of the spring, and stocking our new pantry programs throughout the city! Please read on to learn about a few more volunteer events, details of what we have been up to, learn about some of our food warrior volunteer groups and highlight some exciting new partnerships!
Our programs continue this spring, with our newest- the Pantry Program, which provides students easy access to non-perishable food and toiletries on an as needed basis. Our continued partnership with DC Central Kitchen has allowed us to grow this program quickly and we are pleased to say it's working! As more schools are asking for a Pantry for their students, we feel stronger than ever that this initiative will become at the core of what we do.
What are our Partner Schools are saying:
Thank you so much for your continued partnership. We have new families who enroll in school often and with our Pantry we are able to provide them with foodto help them get started. This program has provided immediate and long term aid to our families. - Tubman Elementary
Our Community Bag Program is continuing to support families in need of support, prior to long weekends, holidays and major breaks throughout the year. Each bag provides families with produce and non-perishable food items which last roughly 10 days. Our goal is to help children and seniors who are among the most vulnerable groups affected by inadequate access to food.
Our Share Table Program This program rescues roughly 60lbs of food served through the school cafeteria per school day. We have Share Tables in 20 schools throughout DC, with plans to implement additional tables beginning Fall 2022.
Over the past month our team has testified in front of the DC Council - the first to pledge our full support of the proposed No Senior Hungry Omnibus Amendment Act of 2021. Our first hand experience feeding hundreds of seniors over the past two years has not only been eye-opening but has put a clear emphasis on the crisis Washington, D.C. is facing amongst its vulnerable senior population, who face the highest senior food insecurity rate
amongst the United States.
We also participated in this year's Agency Performance Oversight Hearing, imploring the DC Council to consider including budgets to address the needs beyond the classroom as so many children rely on their schools for their overall well-being - food being at the core of it all.
Community Bag program supports over 1000+ students in 13 schools around DC
Our team also supports 75+ seniors in Ward 4 during each fooddistribution
Provided over 2,000,000 meals to families throughout DC since March 2020
Distribute over 250,000 pounds of food to those most in need
Help thousands of students and families in our school communities
Pantry Program supports 14 schools throughout seven Wards in Washington, DC, supporting over 800 students.
During the past 18 months, we have had the enormous privilege of partnering with and getting to know the teams at DC Central Kitchen. It runs a diverse set of impactful programs, including community meal distribution, healthy school meal provision, grocery story stocking, and culinary training programs, all with a focus on healthy food as nourishment. DCCK has influenced DC Food Project in countless ways, and we could not do what we do without them! For further information, check them out here: https://dccentralkitchen.org/ine can make all the difference.
We would also like to recognize The Black Nurses Association of the Washington DC Area for sponsoring our Pantry at Johnson Middle School, Consigli Construction for purchasing a pantry locker for one of our Pantry schools and to Optimi for supporting our team during our February Community Bag distribution.
We have one Community Bag Distributions left for the school year- June 10th. This distribution will support students prior to Summer break, when school meals are not available. If interested in volunteering, sign up HERE. We would love your help!
Two Pantry deliveries left for the school year, which continue to provide students access to food on an as needed basis.
DC Food Project’s 4th Anniversary coming this Spring.
Donate: Help us continue providing for students across Washington, D.C. by making a monetary donation HERE. If you are an organization or company interested in an in kind donation, please reach out to us directly HERE.
Sponsor: You can donate to and/or sponsor a Pantry! For more information please reach out to us HERE
Thank you to our supporters who have continued to donate, volunteer and help us provide a greater impact in the lives of DC students, THANK YOU!
In community,
Alysa, Katie, Krista & Lucie